Thursday, August 30, 2012


I'm to be hoisted by my own petard.

You see this? This is a finished sock. It's done. Waiting for its mate. You can see that long, long tail... Lovely thing the kitchener stitch.

And you know what?

She won.

I'm going to be made to eat my own words.

I hope you're happy, Princess.



    1) We should frame the rest of the yarn
    2) I'm making a delicious cake, in which I will write the words on it, and thus ... you shall eat them. Tasty tasty words. Full of love, of course.

  2. Right... There's gonna be a picture of me with cake and icing all over my face posted up somewhere to highlight my wrongness; for making you put up with weeks of "no this *can't* be enough yarn..." etc.

    It's gonna be awesome :)
