Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pictures or it Didn't Happen

That's generally how I feel about my knitting. If I can't back it up with photographic evidence, then I might be lying. Not that I would, but this is the internet, and I'm talking about making a physical object. I feel bound and determined to get something out there to make sure that I can back my statements up.

Isn't it a thing of beauty? I like it. You can see in the lower right hand corner that the back is more relaxed than the front. Seaming this is going to be fun and interesting, but I can totally do it. I'm probably going to do for those seams what I did for the shoulders: turn it inside out and sew the seams on the wrong side, then turn it right side out.

And because I'm just so proud of winning the fight:

BOOYAH. Neckband. Collar. Thingie. It almost looks professionally done. Little lumpie things notwithstanding. Oh, and just in case: Dearest, I'm not saying that because I hate the sweater or I didn't have fun doing this part either. I'm saying that because I made it, so I can see all the little niggling titchy things. Unlike you with your art, especially in Photoshop, I can't go back and tweak. I would have to trash the whole thing (again). Every knitter goes through this. I know this because the Yarn Harlot goes through this. If the Harlot has these issues, and she's been knitting almost as long as I've been alive, then every other knitter in the world goes through this. I just happened to call it like it was. The demon's been exorcised though, so there's nothing to fear (except being too warm; had the thing on my lap doing that neckline and holy snotballs I was boiling).

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