Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's deja vu all over again

Yeah, recurring theme this summer: complaining about the bloody heat. Wicked horrible bad today. It's affecting everything. Including my memory. I thought the opening ceremonies were today and was so excited to start with the Ravellenic Games, but they're not. 10 more days. I apparently have a date problem. Maybe that Al Zeimer guy showed up or something. I don't know.

Had another conversation with The Other Half last night where the topic of commitment came up. Not so much commitment to the relationship, but commitment to the little things that make a relationship special. I had stirred up some drama, completely unnecessarily (there's something about me and negative attention, even though I know better, and I know how to get the attention I really want, I pull some horrible teenage temper tantrum and stir up some sh*t). TOH pointed out that I hadn't done any creative writing in a while (something else of mine he enjoys) and that I had yet to finish the Demon Sweater (he didn't call it that, that's my pet name for it). It struck me, in that moment, and again today, that sweaters really do have some special meaning and power to them. After four years, it's enough to mention and bring up in a discussion like that because, and he's totally right on this point, I took the time and worked with him to find a pattern he liked, and find yarn he was okay with (both colour and texture). I made sure he knew that this was a big deal, and I haven't finished it. Mentally, I had a hiccough when I thought about the four pairs of socks, the cabled scarf, the crocheted smokers mitts, and the lapghan*. All of those projects were also carefully consulted on for colour, pattern** and yarn preferences. However, the sweater still holds a special power. I don't know what it is, precisely. I am also not well versed enough in the mystic ways of the knitted gift to be able to make a guess; I wouldn't dare even to presume, with my lack of experience and improper gauge swatching. All that said, I can personally confirm that a sweater is a damn special thing, and it should never, ever, be ignored.

To that end: I, Margaux***, do solemnly swear that, no matter what, fire, flood or wrath of gods, I will pick up the needles and finish this sweater by the end of the Ravellenic Games, July 27 through August 12, in the year 2012.

Gonna need to get more yarn this week. I'm not running out again, babe, and you'll get this sweater before the cold weather can even think about showing up.

Day 16: Have you ever had a knitting related injury?
Not knitting (thankfully, not yet anyways), did get a really cracky wrist when I was just crocheting.

*For those who might not know: an afghan, crocheted in this case, that's big enough for a lap blanket only, i.e. it only covers lap and legs.
**Lapghan being the exception as it was the 5-1/2 hour pattern that I wanted to try out; TOH inputted on the colours and yarn, though, for sure.
***Adrienne in real life, in case you didn't think I was serious.

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