Thursday, May 24, 2012


Always celebrate progress. Means moving forward, learning things, making mistakes, repeating step two and three until you get it Right.

In this case, I avoided many repeats of step two and three by learning early that I was going to make a mistake, and have now generated the following:

A bit of sock leg. I like the ribbed stripes, myself, and the colours are spiralling again, much to my delight. And I love the macro setting on this camera, it's really really good to me.

Other than that: the WWKIP event for Windsor is fully planned. Should be a blast, as long as people show up. Should get a sign made up to direct knitters to where they need to go; don't want to be a bother to the store.

Oh and I've been reading knitting books. I have thre-..... no... four now with actual knitting stuff in there beyond patterns. They're pretty cool. I'll hand out my ... wait... five... I'll take attendance later. Anyways, I'll get some of my thoughts on those books taken down at some point and share.

For right now though, I'm going to try not to melt in this heat, and do something that doesn't involve much movement... so either a computer game, or knitting*. Tough choice.


*In case you're worried about my sedentary life: I grabbed my pedometer today and did 3200 steps, which is up from yesterday's 3000 and the day before's 1900. Working on that health thing that so many people are touting.

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