Thursday, August 23, 2012

WIPs Update, Now With More Pictures!

Starting this while I can ....

This is the progress on the second blue sock for The Other Half. Was a slow knitting night last night, so I only got an inch of leg and then the beginning of the flap on the needles. Hopefully I can finish the flap and get that turn done; need to blast through to the foot for simple, mindless stockinette for about 8 inches... possibly 9... hey honey, can you measure the sock I left for you please? Just from the heel to the base of the toe decreases.

This is the ravellenic games shawl so far. No I don't have any blocking pins (yet) and lace looks like boiled ass until it's blocked.

This was my first attempt at lace. The Goddess shawl from The Anticraft (I'll add links later, I'm a little rushed right now, trying to get this in before I have to catch my bus). The fibre was generously gifted from Knitting Broad N (sweetie I need a better nickname for you), and it's some kind of artificial blend. This pattern is going to be done up one more time in some beautiful blue stuff for a dear friend as a Christmas present, so I have to get my other wips done.

This is my stripey Noro scarf, because the colours of everyone else's have been so gorgeous so I wanted to make one. I just don't know that I picked the right two blends. TOH, could you weigh in on this for me? I am not that great when it comes to colour theory. The grey and black eventually goes to a blue, the red and purple and green is represented quite well there. If it sucks, hon, let me know. I'd rather rip it now, and pass off the yarn I don't like (red, purple, green) to someone who does like it, and get something that would work nicer with the grey, black, blue.

This is my handspun silk scarf. It's pretty short, so I'm probably going to fold the one end over to give it a keyhole effect. It's meant as an accent piece, and will be going to my Step-Mum. Technically it's for Christmas, but she's seen it already. I would do this again in a heartbeat. It was fun, delicious, and fascinated many. I'd also like more practice in getting my silk spinnering even.

This sock has been on here before. But this is the fix I cobbled together after the sweet, darling, pain-in-the-butt dog decided that this sock was tasty. It's not the most glamorous, but it does the job and I'm proud of it.

And this last teeny little picture is the stealth pic of what I'm working up for my Dad for his Christmas present. I'd show more, but I don't know if he's still reading this. This he hasn't seen so I want to do my best to keep it a surprise.

Still on a finishing kick, so now y'all know what I have ahead of me.

I think that's it for now.

Oh, wait. One last note on the sweater: after all my fussing and worrying and trekking across the city. I got to find out, after finishing it, that I had more than enough yarn. I didn't need to buy a third gigantic ball of dark blue acrylic yarn. Urgh.

Also hoping for news on the care package I passed off to Caitzilla; hoping she was okay in getting the stuff to Leftoversushi (yes these are Ravelry names).

Aaaaaaaand, I inquired about getting a spindle built with a custom design on it so I can finally learn how to spin fibres..... Poor TOH now will have to deal with another new obsession of mine. I've been shopping for fluff, and I have some gorgeous Wensleydale locks picked out, and some beautiful Blue Faced Leicester top, but I know my first fluff has to be some Nerd Girl Yarns... because Christa rocks, and deserves all my business.

Apparently I can type faster than I thought I could, so the only further updates on this will have to be the links. I'll toss those in later.

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