Saturday, August 25, 2012

Letters to Nowhere

Dear TOH:

I love you with everything. We have to come to an understanding, though. If a strange, eccentric 900 year old alien with a blue box that's bigger on the inside shows up, I'm leaving. I'm grabbing the stash and the tools and my laptop with hard drive and probably a change of clothes and I'm gone. I'm sorry. Blame the Doctor. Blame the peer pressure that introduced me to the Doctor.

Ye gods I want it to be real...



Dear Rose Tyler from Season 1:

You're an idiot. You make me ashamed. How could you not think that going back and changing something in your own past could muck everything up. I'm disappointed and hurt and want to smack you a good one. You obviously haven't read enough of anything to know that what you did was a very bad idea. Wait, scratch that. It was not just a very bad idea. It was a Very Bad Idea(tm).

You're off my Christmas list, you naughty child.

Miss Cheesed-Off in the Real World


Back to actual stuff: I finished the gusset and have now moved onto the foot of the blue sock (it's internal proportions are fine, thank you). That ball is looking very small for needing to go another six odd inches... It'll be down to the wire.

At any rate: Back to the Doctor with me.

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