Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today's Lesson

Binding off in an attempt to maintain the rib stitch is fiddly and bothersome. I especially don't like what I'm going to refer to as "Binding Off Purlwise" because I have no clue if that really was what I was doing.

No matter, the first of Step-Mum's socks is officially off the needles and looking pretty. And if you're still reading this, Step-Mum, everyone at work thinks they're adorable and I've had requests to make them for others. And just think, you get two more pairs.

But now... the really exciting bit: the sweater front. As of writing this, I have 8 rows left. That's it. Just 8, and then I can start in on the sleeves.


It's nice to be able to know enough now to totally own this sweater. I'm in love again. Now that it's not fighting me like a rabid tazmanian devil now.

Day 28: Do you do any other crafts besides knitting? What are they, and did learning to knit come before or after learning these other crafts?

I crochet. My grandmother taught me, and then I had to kind of learn all over again to trade crochet lessons to get knitting lessons (Thank you TBF). I can crosstitch. My mom taught me. I made some little things, but never got so into it that I would want to design something; it's never been a lifestyle to me, like knitting and crochet are, it was something nice to do. I'll probably go back to it later. Both of these were learned before I learned to knit and I know for a fact that the crochet has shaped my knitting style and preferences (I don't want to knit a blanket... even doing it in little squares... all that sewing up... yeek)

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