Thursday, August 30, 2012


I'm to be hoisted by my own petard.

You see this? This is a finished sock. It's done. Waiting for its mate. You can see that long, long tail... Lovely thing the kitchener stitch.

And you know what?

She won.

I'm going to be made to eat my own words.

I hope you're happy, Princess.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Little Absentee...

Just a teensy weensy little bit. Really. Not that long at all. Despite it feeling like forever, and yet no time at all, in my head.

Found Doctor Who. Said that in my last post. How people can knit and watch that at the same time I'll never know. Going to be getting them all. Even the original stuff, even the black and whites. I want to follow it through.

Took a break, though. Had to. Worried I'm getting weird because of it (probably just the messed up sleep schedule more than anything). Decided to track down Sherlock instead.... Yeah.

If anyone reading this has not seen Sherlock, stop reading now and go watch it. No I'm serious. You have to. It's funny, witty, intense, brilliant... the writing and treatment and adaptation is gorgeous (not to mention the main characters, yes I still love you TOH). You just have to get there. The acting too, just brilliant, and subtle, the changes and emotions and little betrayals of thought. I wish I knew how Cumberbatch did it all, but it's so seamless... Just get some of that, all right?

Still working on the sock. It's crazy doing 8.5 inches of stockinette. Hopefully the night will stay rather lackadaisical and I will be able to put a sizeable dent into it. I'm just glad I remembered how long to make the foot without needing the other sock to figure it out.

Instant addendum: it's not really crazy doing 8.5 inches of stockinette, especially not when it took me four years to put together one of the most simple sweater patterns out there. It just seems like that because my mind is whirling around in one direction, and the yarn is whirling around in the opposite direction. My mind is filled with fantastical thoughts and daydreams about Sherlock and Doctor Who, swinging between them on barely a whim. It's incredible. My imagination hasn't been given a shot like this in.... well, unfortunately, in a good long while.

Just over two months until NaNoWriMo, too. Good lord, what shall I do for that one? Hmmm....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Letters to Nowhere

Dear TOH:

I love you with everything. We have to come to an understanding, though. If a strange, eccentric 900 year old alien with a blue box that's bigger on the inside shows up, I'm leaving. I'm grabbing the stash and the tools and my laptop with hard drive and probably a change of clothes and I'm gone. I'm sorry. Blame the Doctor. Blame the peer pressure that introduced me to the Doctor.

Ye gods I want it to be real...



Dear Rose Tyler from Season 1:

You're an idiot. You make me ashamed. How could you not think that going back and changing something in your own past could muck everything up. I'm disappointed and hurt and want to smack you a good one. You obviously haven't read enough of anything to know that what you did was a very bad idea. Wait, scratch that. It was not just a very bad idea. It was a Very Bad Idea(tm).

You're off my Christmas list, you naughty child.

Miss Cheesed-Off in the Real World


Back to actual stuff: I finished the gusset and have now moved onto the foot of the blue sock (it's internal proportions are fine, thank you). That ball is looking very small for needing to go another six odd inches... It'll be down to the wire.

At any rate: Back to the Doctor with me.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Keeping On

Sock made major progress last night. Finished the flap, started on the gusset. That ball is looking scarily tiny.... I may win yet, and not have to eat my words! We shall see though. After the gusset I have to get the foot of the sock out to 9 inches. Stockinette doesn't take much, but it's still a long way to go.

In other news: I am a convert. Seriously. I have found the word, and the word is good. I have subscribed to the Church of Doctor Who.

Okay really seriously: why the heck have I waited so long to watch this show? It's bloody brilliant. I only wish I had more of the early episodes so I could get some of these wicked inside jokes. That's the only part that makes me sad.

Thank heavens The Other Half has MechWarrior. He won't even notice I've found a new obsession that cannot be interrupted...... Please let MechWarrior last me through the rest of the seasons.... Please?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

WIPs Update, Now With More Pictures!

Starting this while I can ....

This is the progress on the second blue sock for The Other Half. Was a slow knitting night last night, so I only got an inch of leg and then the beginning of the flap on the needles. Hopefully I can finish the flap and get that turn done; need to blast through to the foot for simple, mindless stockinette for about 8 inches... possibly 9... hey honey, can you measure the sock I left for you please? Just from the heel to the base of the toe decreases.

This is the ravellenic games shawl so far. No I don't have any blocking pins (yet) and lace looks like boiled ass until it's blocked.

This was my first attempt at lace. The Goddess shawl from The Anticraft (I'll add links later, I'm a little rushed right now, trying to get this in before I have to catch my bus). The fibre was generously gifted from Knitting Broad N (sweetie I need a better nickname for you), and it's some kind of artificial blend. This pattern is going to be done up one more time in some beautiful blue stuff for a dear friend as a Christmas present, so I have to get my other wips done.

This is my stripey Noro scarf, because the colours of everyone else's have been so gorgeous so I wanted to make one. I just don't know that I picked the right two blends. TOH, could you weigh in on this for me? I am not that great when it comes to colour theory. The grey and black eventually goes to a blue, the red and purple and green is represented quite well there. If it sucks, hon, let me know. I'd rather rip it now, and pass off the yarn I don't like (red, purple, green) to someone who does like it, and get something that would work nicer with the grey, black, blue.

This is my handspun silk scarf. It's pretty short, so I'm probably going to fold the one end over to give it a keyhole effect. It's meant as an accent piece, and will be going to my Step-Mum. Technically it's for Christmas, but she's seen it already. I would do this again in a heartbeat. It was fun, delicious, and fascinated many. I'd also like more practice in getting my silk spinnering even.

This sock has been on here before. But this is the fix I cobbled together after the sweet, darling, pain-in-the-butt dog decided that this sock was tasty. It's not the most glamorous, but it does the job and I'm proud of it.

And this last teeny little picture is the stealth pic of what I'm working up for my Dad for his Christmas present. I'd show more, but I don't know if he's still reading this. This he hasn't seen so I want to do my best to keep it a surprise.

Still on a finishing kick, so now y'all know what I have ahead of me.

I think that's it for now.

Oh, wait. One last note on the sweater: after all my fussing and worrying and trekking across the city. I got to find out, after finishing it, that I had more than enough yarn. I didn't need to buy a third gigantic ball of dark blue acrylic yarn. Urgh.

Also hoping for news on the care package I passed off to Caitzilla; hoping she was okay in getting the stuff to Leftoversushi (yes these are Ravelry names).

Aaaaaaaand, I inquired about getting a spindle built with a custom design on it so I can finally learn how to spin fibres..... Poor TOH now will have to deal with another new obsession of mine. I've been shopping for fluff, and I have some gorgeous Wensleydale locks picked out, and some beautiful Blue Faced Leicester top, but I know my first fluff has to be some Nerd Girl Yarns... because Christa rocks, and deserves all my business.

Apparently I can type faster than I thought I could, so the only further updates on this will have to be the links. I'll toss those in later.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ah... So This is What Dread Feels Like

She's right.

I don't want her to be, but she is.

With every repeat, every row, every stitch the clarion call rings out in my mind:

She's right.


Why? Why couldn't I see it? Why wouldn't I? Even with other evidence sitting in front of my face. Screaming at me that I should believe. I should trust. It's right and good and there's nothing wrong and everything will be fine. But no. I had to sit there and deny, deny, deny. There's no way it could work. No way possible. It's madness and foolish to think otherwise.

There just couldn't be any way to get two full sized socks out of 400 yards of fingering weight yarn.

You see this foolishness? It's sheer stupidity to think that way. Of course I can get two socks out of that much yarn. The proof is sitting in my stash from the last time I did socks out of this same yarn base, the exact same yardage!

I can't believe myself. I really can't. Now I'm never going to live it down, and Princess is going to make me eat my words. Literally. I know she will.

At least I found another knitter at work today. He's doing a scarf for a cosplay costume he's working on. Keep it up, Tim, and try not to let some 12 feet of garter stitch drive you mad. Nice job on those colour changes, though, very smooth. I'm quite impressed.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Time to Celebrate!

It's DONE.

First thing I'd cast on. My first serious project. Four years in the making, and it's done.

I'm sorry? Beg pardon?

Ends need weaving in? What ends? I see no ends. I'm too busy celebrating my awesomeness.

I'll come to terms with body dysmorphia later. Those sleeves are freaking hugely long. But the body of the sweater fits perfectly with room to spare. It should fit The Other Half just fine. The front definitely needs more breaking in and abuse, you can see the distortion of the back quite obviously. Ah hell, since I got started I can point out my other flaw: the sleeve cast off I'd change next time, and I'd actually learn how to do a proper mattress stitch seam.


With all that? It's a great weekend sweater. I'm debating making one for myself, if I can figure out the best way to add some shaping on the sides, and change the neckline (I look better with a v-neck).

Scary thought that. I finally finish a sweater I've been busting on for four years, and I suddenly want to make another one... one for myself, though.

However, if I make one for myself, I know exactly which pattern I'm going to use: the Burnside Tunic from It's soooooooo pretty. It tasks me, and I shall have it.


Ends woven in. Here's hoping they stay that way. If they don't, I'm going to beat them up. It's totally totally finished. And because it's acrylic: no blocking needed!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Knit Outing Report

Ah... I feel so much better for having had some girlie time today. Thanks to Caitzilla, Knitting Broad N, and Princess for coming out and giving me an estrogen fix.

Yarn was shown and fondled. Gossip was shared. Stress relieved. Friends made. Coffee drank. Food eaten. Laughs had. Great time.

This is Princess' sock. She kindly donned it on her arm so I could show off the pretty pattern. It's so gorgeous, and it's such a pity my camera sucks at catching subtle variegation and accurate colour.

This is an action shot of Caitzilla's first sock!

She was knitting very quickly, trying to get through the ribbing part so it wouldn't feel like she was knitting with an octopus. Started her on top down, dpn socks to get the hard stuff out of the way. It's like learning math in elementary, Cait: they teach you the hard way first so you can then learn the short cuts and understand where they came from and why they work so well. So this is the hard part, and every row will get easier, and then you'll be doing lace and cable designs up and down the leg and foot on two-at-a-time magic loop toe up socks. Even if you don't wear socks, they're pretty awesome to work on.

It was unfortunate that Knitting Broad N had to head out before we got to lunch, she did get a lot of work done on the stuffed animal she's working on as a commissioned piece.

This is the bottom of the body. It's going to be a sizeable thing once it's done, but I hope she can keep the proportions equal. That's quite a bit of progress considering we started the afternoon with me ripping it out for her (only done because I could rip it, and she needed the ripping done anyways; learned the hard way that single crocheting twelve times into one stitch doesn't make for a tight backside).

In my own realm of progress: cast on for the second blue sock (no picture yet, it's only three rows past the ribbing, so there's not much of anything to show) and, far more importantly, I washed The Sweater (it's now so notorious it gets the capitals) and I've started seaming it up. It's so soft now that it's been washed, but the back is still way more stretched out than the front. It'll even up eventually; and this thing isn't supposed to be the height of fashion. I'm making sure not to do each stitch at the top of the sleeves to each row on the body. I'm skipping every third row to make sure there isn't any craziness. I have real progress. To be honest, I was going to start it tomorrow morning, but I was just so excited after I got back from girlie time, and then I got to see The Other Half and.... well I'm a sucker for that smile, and the way his eyes light up like a slot machine that hit the jackpot whenever he's happy... so I washed it, and started in on seaming.

Now I need to figure out what to finish next... probably one of the lace things or somesuch... I just have to resist the urge to cast on the entrelac, now that the sweater is almost done. Come on, willpower, work harder!

Pictures or it Didn't Happen

That's generally how I feel about my knitting. If I can't back it up with photographic evidence, then I might be lying. Not that I would, but this is the internet, and I'm talking about making a physical object. I feel bound and determined to get something out there to make sure that I can back my statements up.

Isn't it a thing of beauty? I like it. You can see in the lower right hand corner that the back is more relaxed than the front. Seaming this is going to be fun and interesting, but I can totally do it. I'm probably going to do for those seams what I did for the shoulders: turn it inside out and sew the seams on the wrong side, then turn it right side out.

And because I'm just so proud of winning the fight:

BOOYAH. Neckband. Collar. Thingie. It almost looks professionally done. Little lumpie things notwithstanding. Oh, and just in case: Dearest, I'm not saying that because I hate the sweater or I didn't have fun doing this part either. I'm saying that because I made it, so I can see all the little niggling titchy things. Unlike you with your art, especially in Photoshop, I can't go back and tweak. I would have to trash the whole thing (again). Every knitter goes through this. I know this because the Yarn Harlot goes through this. If the Harlot has these issues, and she's been knitting almost as long as I've been alive, then every other knitter in the world goes through this. I just happened to call it like it was. The demon's been exorcised though, so there's nothing to fear (except being too warm; had the thing on my lap doing that neckline and holy snotballs I was boiling).

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rounding Third....

Back: done.

Front: done.

Sleeves: done.

Shoulders: joined.

Neck: picked up, stitched, decreased, stitched, cast off.

Now, I get to wash everything to relax it all into some semblance of uniformity, then attach the sleeves and seam them, and do the side seams.

So close. So close I can taste it....

I'd finish it tonight but I've lost the light, and there's no way I'm brave enough to tackle row seaming in low light conditions.

Same with progress photos. I'll do those tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and then I have my girlie afternoon tomorrow, which means getting to start the second socks that need finishing.

This whole finishing kick feels great. It feels weird to not have to do a gigantic sheet of blue. I want something simple to knit now.... so I have a choice: silk, Dad's Christmas knitting, or the Noro.... Hmm... I still have a lot going on. Definitely going to be on this finishing kick for a while yet. Time to enjoy some sense of accomplishment, and get the stash back.... oh yeah I didn't mention that did I? Heh. The stash and WIPs no longer fit in my stash bag. I feel guilty for having a second stash location, but it's better than loose yarn balls all over my couch.

My mind is all over the place because I'm a little shell shocked at where I've gotten to in the sweater. Just flat out dazed and amazed. Little lost, too, because, again, it feels odd to not have a giant sheet of blue in front of me that needs to be knit....

I also put the half finished body over my head to check the sizing.... and I'm not going to psych myself out now. It'll fit me for sure, so it should fit him.

I could still use a drink, just to shut the little doubting mean voice to shut up. Gonna get some water instead, and maybe some hunks of cucumber. The crunch will have to suffice.

The Light! It Burns!

Success! So close! It's blinding! With sheer awesomeness!

In one shift at work, I did half a sleeve. As in four of the 8 and 7/16th repeats that are needed to match the other sleeve. The bulk of the sleeve is ahead, but the night is still young for me (never mind that it's 1:40am EDT) so I'm going to throw on my random movie list and have at it.

Ah shuffle. Thank you for giving me The Shadow after I told you that I didn't want Zoolander. You always know when I'm in the mood for cinematic studmuffin (sorry baby, it's nothing against you). Time to immerse myself in cheese and knit the shit out of this sleeve.

Mmmm Cheese. The Cheese of Light.

It's 1:40 in the morning, don't expect coherence.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ongoing Sweater Progress

I swear this pattern lies. Increase every 5 rows 21 times, then increase every 4 rows 12 times, and then continue in pattern stitch until the sleeve is 21 inches long....

I'm just starting the every four row increases and it's 19 inches long already!!!

I refuse to make stupidly log sleeves. I'm going to keep at it until I get to the end of the decreases, and then I'm casting off right there. I'll tack it to the sweater body once I'm home and check the proportions.

This sweater is going to be ludicrously slouchy and comfy. Though I suppose I'm learning to modify a pattern on the fly... hmm... good to know I am learning something from this, aside from new combinations of swear words for the mind-boggling nature of all things gauge.

Swatches lie. Swatch anyways. It's madness. And I love every minute of it.


The pattern is fighting me. I'm about 4 odd rows away from hitting the 21" mark, and I'm a pattern repeat and a half away from finishing the increases. Whoever wrote this thing seems to have a WAY tighter row gauge than I do. That or it's the acrylic being weird. At any rate. I'm going to finish the pattern repeat that I'm on, do one row in the pattern, and then bind off.

That way I can cast on for the next sleeve and have something that I know I can work on seamlessly for the rest of my work shift.

Plan for tonight: tack front and back together, tack sleeve on, and then try it on to test the fit.... Or.... no. I should.... urgh... stupid sleeve is making me doubt myself.

I'm going to beat up this pattern, and beat up my instinct and just.... aaargh.

--Final Update--

Okay, cast off the sleeve, and I'm glad I did. This thing is going to be a hugely comfy saggy boyfriend sweater. But I'm kicking its ass. One sleeve to go and then I get to start putting this thing together. I'm not even scared of picking up to do the collar. I'm totally going to own it.

This pattern has fought me in more ways than I can truly count. But I got The Other Half to talk to it sternly. It'll behave. Or else.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sweater Update

Tah dah!

Two shifts worth of knitting plus some time before and after work.  I am SO HAPPY.

Day 30: What’s your name on Ravelry? If you don’t have a Ravelry account, why?

I addressed this earlier, as a matter of fact: AdrienneCMC

Clearing My Head

I don't want to whine, or make it seem like I'm out for pity or anything. This is just for venting purposes, to get the rest of the ick in my brain out, so I can move on from it. Nothing super bad, just got to get it out.

I didn't sleep well last night.  I'd had a slew of dreams, that ended up being a montage of things that just scare me. It started out, in a way, with something kind of funny: the sweater I've been working on for forever got stolen. But it sprialled down from there. No money to get something. Lost my job. No apartment. No food. The Other Half left me. Lost. Then I was pregnant. Then murdered. Then raped. Finally, alone and left in a dark black pit of a room. These scenes would flash through my head over and over and over again. Until it became a horrible blur. I woke up in a terrible state feeling deeply disturbed. Spent a couple minutes crying before I got out of bed. No clue what could have caused that terrible night. It's not like I have anything crazy going on, no massive stresses or anxieties or anything.

I'm trying to get to the point where I will just fall asleep as soon as my eyes close. I don't think I'm going to get there.

On the lighter side of the news: sleeve!!!! I'm whipping through it. It's so exciting (for all that it's a trapezoid), and I'm totally in love with it. I finished with the increases every five rows, now I'm on to the increases every four rows. I don't think I'm going to make them the full 21 inches long. The shoulders of the sweater are already very broad, and The Other Half doesn't have freakishly long arms. If I remember rightly, they're pretty much the same length as my own, maybe a little bit longer, so I'll probably finish the increases and then go to the end of the pattern repeat and call it done. Then I cast on for the second sleeve and get to do seaming, and then the joys of picking up stitches for the neckline. The finish line is coming. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's not an oncoming train. I'll get a picture once I have the light.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I can see it. I truly can. And it's NOT an oncoming train (for once).

I cast on the first sleeve.

I have the pattern.... uh... written? listed?

Like that. I can track my progress, and the dots are where I do my increases (you can see the little note at the top). My writing is... messy. I wouldn't trade it for anything, though.

But, here's my huge accomplishment:

It's a little fuzzy but, TAH DAH! I'm so proud! The counts worked out, the gauge worked out, and I'm just so happy with it. It's gonna get all soft and fluffy and slouchy. I'M SO EXCITED.

Excited enough to use all caps instead of just italics.

Finally, because I don't know if Step-Mum reads this:

Stealth knitting picture! I love the colours. Thank you Christa (our Lady of Nerd Girl Yarns), it's perfect. Exactly what I was looking for and it represents what I wanted it to to a T.

Day 29: Do you have any tips, or things that you’ve learned from knitting?

Gauge is important, but not so important that you should rip out an entire sweater for being slightly off when the sweater is in acrylic. Natural fibres really matter; the artificial ones can go hang. It's important to look at the quantity of yarn recommended in the pattern before shopping so you can buy enough, and not way too much. Finally, pattern difficulty levels are a suggestion, not set in stone. Never let what a piece of paper say determine what you can and cannot make. Difficulty levels lie.

Today's Lesson

Binding off in an attempt to maintain the rib stitch is fiddly and bothersome. I especially don't like what I'm going to refer to as "Binding Off Purlwise" because I have no clue if that really was what I was doing.

No matter, the first of Step-Mum's socks is officially off the needles and looking pretty. And if you're still reading this, Step-Mum, everyone at work thinks they're adorable and I've had requests to make them for others. And just think, you get two more pairs.

But now... the really exciting bit: the sweater front. As of writing this, I have 8 rows left. That's it. Just 8, and then I can start in on the sleeves.


It's nice to be able to know enough now to totally own this sweater. I'm in love again. Now that it's not fighting me like a rabid tazmanian devil now.

Day 28: Do you do any other crafts besides knitting? What are they, and did learning to knit come before or after learning these other crafts?

I crochet. My grandmother taught me, and then I had to kind of learn all over again to trade crochet lessons to get knitting lessons (Thank you TBF). I can crosstitch. My mom taught me. I made some little things, but never got so into it that I would want to design something; it's never been a lifestyle to me, like knitting and crochet are, it was something nice to do. I'll probably go back to it later. Both of these were learned before I learned to knit and I know for a fact that the crochet has shaped my knitting style and preferences (I don't want to knit a blanket... even doing it in little squares... all that sewing up... yeek)

Monday, August 13, 2012

State of the Games

Well the 'lympics are over, and with it the Ravellenic Games. I said I'd do three projects and managed to finish... none of them. I probably overreached myself this first year, and didn't follow through with budgeting my time correctly, but I did learn how to do Judy's Magic Cast On on double pointed needles, and I love it to bits. I think I'm going to use it for all my future toe-up socks.

The first pair of socks for Step-Mum is going well, almost halfway done. Everyone that walks past at work has a comment on them. I've had a couple of requests to make people pairs and I employ my usual response: how about I teach you to make your own?

The shawl is still in the first chart, and it's going to be a while before I can do stuff for myself. This is going on the back burner for holiday knitting.

Best of all: the sweater is rollicking along. It's bending to my will. 26 rows to finish the back. That's all. And then just two short sleeves. I'm totally rocking this challenge. I say challenge because it's my first sweater. I've learned a lot about it and I'm going to make it. And it's going to look great. I'll even let it be worn out of the house.

I'll just have to get progress pictures soon.

Day 27: How do you acquire most of yarn? Online retailers, local yarn shops, swaps, or large chain craft stores? What’s your favorite?

Online retailers mostly. I have a yarn club that I'm in and it's just easier for me, not having any vehicular transportation, to have the yarn delivered to me. I do shop at some of the chain craft stores sometimes, and even the big box ones with the teeny craft sections. It's mainly online though. My favourite, of course, is Nerd Girl Yarns. All Hail, Christa!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Completely Zonked

Back on my crazy night shift and trying to adjust again. It's not going so well. Almost done the first kitten sock, turned the heel last night at work, so I should be able to get the leg done. Then I mail them off and get a sizing. That's a big problem with knitting long distance. I want to know if I'm doing them right, but I can't find out until they're out of my reach for adjustments. Ah well, I just hope they're liked/loved.

I've realized that my knitting list has grown disgustingly large, and I'm trying to prevent any further instances of "Startitis". First thing's first, the list of things that have to be finished:

-The Sweater (crud, I meant to explain to The Other Half why, precisely, I added the "Demon" appellation... Other knitters would get it: it's not that the sweater is bad, or that the yarn is bad, or that the whole thing is unliked, unloved, or unwanted; it's not that we're not having fun.... it's that the dang thing is fighting every step of the way, and seems to be laughing at us... and needs a nickname like "Demon" or "Damien" or somesuch... anyways, moving on)
- The other blue sock for TOH
- The first pair of kitty socks
- Silk Scarf
- Dad's Christmas Scarf
- Yellow Shawl thing
- My Shawl thing
Edited to Add: - Noro Stripey Scarf (ffs, it's sitting right on my couch, crying now because I ignored it while it was staring at me.... nothing like Japanese yarn being all dramatic... If you'll excuse me, I need to find buckets to catch the crazy anime tears)

Then there's the things I've promised to do that aren't on needles yet...
- Entrelac
- The second pair of kitty socks
- The third pair of kitty socks
- The blue shawl thing for T.
- Shrug for B.
- Socks for TOH's cousin N. (Those are, sadly, low priority at this point as I don't even have yarn for them)

Then there's the stuff I actually really want to knit...
- Mobius scarf out of the blue worsted Dad and Step-mum got me for Christmas last year
- Knee high socks for me
- Shawl thing for me out of the NGY stuff I've gotten
- The next pair of socks for TOH, possibly using some kind of actual pattern this time
- A BSJ hat

... Holy crud I'm rather ambitious. And all that is just the knitting. That doesn't mention the two blankets, or my desire to start making 300 Spartan Amigurumi..... Or writing that book/guide thing to translate knitting to crochet. Or my secret plans to buy a spindle and learn to make my own yarn.

Why can I get this way about knitting, crochet and fibre, but not finding a new job? Oh wait, it's because trying to find a new job sucks beanbags, especially in this economy and with my lack of industry-specific skills.... *sigh* Don't let it get you down, girl. Keep trying. Stay positive. You're in enough of a rut as it is.

I'm going to find a little cheer somewhere (no, not in a bottle, I have to work, and alcohol solves nothing, it just induces complacency in the depth of the rut).

Day 26: Have you ever been a part, or wanted to be a part of a knit-a-long? What was it? If not, why?
No I haven't been a part of a knit-a-long, but I think I could enjoy one. I just have to clear the above epic gigantic list before I try anything like that.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weekend Report

Dear Liver:

Yes, you are evil. Yes, you truly did deserve all that punishment on Saturday and the follow up on Sunday. No, I did not hear your cries of mercy, but I do now accept your apology and hope you will continue to behave in future.


Dear Stomach:

Thank you for finally expelling whatever the heck it was that was making you so sick on Thursday and Friday. Next time, please try to warn me before you feel the need to contract a flu or food poisoning or whatever, and try to schedule it more conveniently. Or don't at all. You know how much we dislike stomach and digestive issues.


Dear Knitting:

What the hell do you mean: "We can't knit ourselves"?! I thought we had an agreement!

Oy vey. I'll be in touch.


Day 25: Do you have a knitting book or a place where you keep patterns, ideas, size measurements? Post a picture of it!

Not exactly. I have some notebooks and some folders, and they're scattered, so no picture.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lack of Progress

I am so very very sick. I have barely done anything except sleep.

What a Difference a Day Makes

Twenty four little hours....

I'll stop singing. No one needs bleeding eardrums.

I've slept, eaten well, wrote a love letter, knit a bunch (the socks are turning out so adorable... subtle, but adorable all the same), worked, dealt with weird issues that left me scratching my head wondering "Why did you think this was important enough to call about?". Again, to the guy getting married in two days: you have my condolences, buddy, on all the stress, and then the services dying on you just adding to it. I wouldn't blame you in the least for going. Heck, I'd red-carpet you at this point because, damn.... that's just too much to bear. Here's hoping the ceremony goes off without a hitch though.

The sweater is chugging along beautifully; going to finish this one purl row and then haul myself off to beddie byes. Should be close to the 25" mark. Will be measuring against the finished back. Here's hoping the neck shaping works out the way it's supposed to, and then I can start hauling a** on the sleeves.

Only had the one "please let a disaster befall me so I can die" moment today, so that's looking up. Then I had the immense pleasure of reading. And that always, always makes my night.

Things are looking up. Even cast on for the shawl, for my first ever charted lace adventure. I'll have to get pictures when the light is better.

For now: finish this row, and just this row.... no, I'm serious. Don't look at me like that. I can finish just one row and have done with it.... Don't you sigh at me! Look I'm not having this discussion again. Finishing the row and then going to bed. That's it.

Day 24: Have you ever made your own pattern or dyed your own yarn? How did it turn out?
Pattern I'm attempting right now. So far it's okay. Dying? Not yet. Maybe someday.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mood Swinging

Friggin weird day. Took two calls, then got pulled to support the rooms and answer other agents' questions. Had some supervisor type calls come in, which I fielded expertly. Didn't let any of them "get in my kitchen" per say. Had the one guy try to argue his way into getting me to credit his full bill. I stood firm in the face of his version of logic. Just because you personally can only use your services four hours out of the day, doesn't mean that your bill is only for those four hours, it's for a full month. I posed him this question: "Does that mean you're going to call in every month and ask for a credit for all those hours you're at work, or sleeping?"

Ended the day recomposing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to aspects of my job and giggling like mad.

Until I got on the bus.

Then I just wanted the bus to get sideswiped by a truck and crash so I could die.

And I'd gotten done one of the pattern elements on the socks done today too. They look absolutely adorable.

I just wish I could stop thinking about this.