Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We Now Return You...

... to your regularly scheduled oddness

Been offline for a while. Broke the flow of the 30 days of knitting, ah well. I suck bla bla. I'll get back to it. Spent the weekend, and Canada Day, offline, trying out... oh what's it called... that thing... you do... life! that's it. Turns out I picked a bad weekend to try it because it was searingly hot and humid and gross, and so I spent most of my time inside watching movies and knitting some (when my mental processes would allow it).

There was that special project The Other Half had wanted me to knit up for him but I guess when he told me how soon he needed it (by Monday/Tuesday and I find this out on Saturday night, without having any supplies) I got this look on my face that made him instantly scrap the knitting idea, and so I got to see him be all crafty and sew. Very cool. I would have still knit it; I was not unwilling, but it would have taken much longer than two days. I'm good, I'm not that good (not yet anyways). If I coulda crocheted it? No problem! But apparently my look brooked no discussion and he decided, in his very TOH way, that he was going to do it.

I was also bad and forgot the sock repair. That's my own fault. I'm also too afraid of just taking the sock back with me and fixing it. I did get pictures of the other socks I'd done that are living there, but I'll have to post them later as I've forgotten where I stashed my camera cord, and it's too hot to go digging.

Now I also have to find out where I can get 900 odd yards of red laceweight before the 17th. I'm hoping this dyer in Toronto will be able to sling some down my way. The post shouldn't be too bad, right?

I also started the Noro scarf, even though I know it's naughty of me. So far I think it's going to look nice, but there won't be any blending between the two colourways. I picked two very different skeins. For the next one (because, gods help me, I know there will be a next one) I think I'll pick something a little more similar in some ways to allow for more colour mushing (I don't know how else to describe it)

Day 7: Your least favorite?: Demon Sweater, duh. See the post about it from earlier to know the true depths of my frustration
Day 8: What’s your most challenging project?: Demon Sweater so far. And that's not technically challenging... beg pardon, the techniques, the technical aspects aren't challenging is what I meant. I'm hoping to get a challenge out of the lace I want to do, and I know the upcoming entrelac will give me a run for my money, but they're not on the needles yet.
Day 9: What fiber or yarn do you love working with?: I've loved almost everything I've worked with up to this point. Generally I have learned to avoid novelty yarns like they're the plague and I'm allergic to them, but everything else I've had a blast with, from acrylic to wool.
Day 10: Do you have a favorite pattern or designer?: No. NGY is my favourite so far for yarn, but she does neither so she doesn't count for this question. (I mention her here because she's awesome.)

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