Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Short and Sweet(ish)

I don't know what happened today, but something has hit all my "angry" buttons. I'm ready to lash out at everything and everyone that's not important to me. I can feel it. I have about no patience left. I wish I knew exactly what it was that did it, but I don't. Part of me thinks it's just dealing with daily work frustrations and I've been pushed over the edge. Part of me thinks it's because I've been pushed in general, or rushed, or made to do something I don't want to do (which is weird because I haven't done anything except training today). All I know for sure is that I'm about two wrong words away from gnawing off my arm and bludgeoning someone with the wet end.

Last time I felt this way, I was on antidepressants of some form. I'm not now, so I can't say that's where this is coming from....

I have chocolate. I just need to decide if I should blow up tanks, blow up zombies, or try to knit something. Knitting feels like a bad idea because I'd probably just strangle the needles and throw my tension/gauge way way off.

Friday... I can start finishing the sweater on Friday.

Day 21: Do you knit gifts for friends and family for the holidays or birthdays?

The Other Half has been the main recipient for one occasion or another (including that time honoured holiday of "Here, I Finished It. It's For You. Because I Love You."). This year Dad and Step-Mum are going to be included. The Best Friend gets yarn, because she'd appreciate it just as much, if not more than the actual finished object; that and I find some of the most scrumptious yarns ever, because I go noodling around until I find something worthy of not just covetousness, but outright naked lust. She understands, so she appreciates those finds more.

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