Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Back again

Well that was another little mini hiatus. I just went back and reviewed my last post and, as usual, I think it's crap. However, I am and always will be my own worst critic. Still feeling like I have to get my sh*t in gear and get out of my rut, but I keep losing my footing whenever I try to make that first step. Tired of skinning my metaphorical knees, and it's only been 5 days.

On the other hand, it's only been 5 days. Change doesn't happen overnight, no matter how much it seems to happen that way. So I pick myself up, dust myself off, and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Again only a metaphorical brighter tomorrow. Being Canadian if it gets too damn bright I will have to find a way to freeze the sun. Thank the gods that the stupid horrific heat wave we've had here has finally broken (another cause of apathy and lack of posting; the computers were getting to hot in the lack of air conditioning).

Sock is progressing, but it is black-hole progressing. And I forget how long The Other Half's feet are. Last time I saw him I made the mistake of grabbing his foot and forcing the sock on. I say "mistake" because apparently I tickled, even though I was trying really REALLY hard not to.... and then, after I got the sock off, I realized there were naked toes in front of me and started in with the piggies and it went downhill from there. Needless to say I lost and cried "Uncle" most piteously. Eventually I was forgiven and allowed to partake of the majesty of a frozen Mounds bar (coconut ice cream wrapped in dark chocolate gnaaaaaaaaarghl <- my attempt at literary drooling).

Oh and I found a dyer for the laceweight for my dream shawl thingie and I get pictures of it sent to me tomorrow. It's not going to be here in time for the games I don't think, but it will be gorgeous and I will be in love with it forever.

That reminds me... I have to get stuff off to the post office for mailing tomorrow, or at the very least get envelopes/boxes for it..... Right.... To-do list. Urgh.

Someday, it'll all be natural. For now, I'm still learning how to be a grownup. Doesn't mean I'm a failure. Just means I'm doing it the hard way, because listening to parents is hard. (It isn't really, I just like figuring stuff out on my own more, even if it means slogging through crap and going the long way to find the shortcut).

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