Thankfully, it's something I'm good at. Learning, I mean. I learn from reading, learn from listening, learn from watching. Thanks to my Mother for teaching me that I can learn anything that I want to, anything that I put my mind to. Once I knew that learning was easy, I craved it, the search and quest for knowledge. I find I absorb useful tidbits quite readily, and useless tidbits even more readily.
Useful (and just off the top of my head): hangovers are essentially just dehydration; consuming an amount of water close to half the amount of alcohol consumed, while consuming said alcohol, will help to stave this off. Also essential: not mixing types of alcohol, or acids and bases.
Useless: Beluga whales head north in spring and scrape themselves along the sea floor because they're moulting*
The tidbit that came in handy today was learning from someone else (probably the Yarn Harlot, bless her soul) that cables on variegated yarn is generally a bad idea. I thought I could get away with it because this yarn was generally a shade of dark blues, but those little patches of white shot it in the foot. I got through one twist, looked at it and the little voice in my head said: "That's gonna look like sh*t. You're gonna hate it, and he's gonna know."
That little voice is smart. Gotta listen to it.
So, I ripped back to the ribbing and have continued my way down the leg. Not twisting the cables, but keeping the two set-up ribs that appear in Stephanie's pattern. It looks really good to me so far, much better than the invisi-cables I had before. Kind of puts me in mind of the Two Towers in Lord of the Rings.
No photos right now because there really isn't much to see. Still waiting on the final go-ahead from the owner of the WWKIP venue I was hoping to have. Not getting many responses on that front (hint hint) but I'll keep my hopes up.
Ta for now!
*how absolutely cool is that? They're the only whale species known to do this. They give themselves exfoliating spa treatments every year! Could be a good excuse: "What? An entire day at the spa? What for?" ... "I'm getting back to nature, getting in touch with my mammalian instincts. You look it up. Belugas do it."
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