So it's a holiday Monday, I'm bored, and have nothing new on the knitting front.
Well almost nothing, got some nice sock yarn while Dad and Step-mom were out visiting over the weekend, and I had to pick up some needles, but there's nothing on them.
At any rate: nothing much new, so I'm going to do a movie review as a knitter and for other knitters. The primary purpose is to let companion knitters know which movies may be good for knitting, and which ones will cause the knitting to fail. I'm just going to cover what I have in my own collection, because I'm cheap like that.
First on the block: Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie
If you have never seen this before, it's bad for knitting. It's just too d*mn funny. First time I watched it, I literally fell off the couch laughing. In fact, the whole series, from when it was on TV is just not good to knit to, unless you have epic powers of concentration. You will get caught off guard and lose stitches. Especially if you catch the Space Mutiny or Cave Dwellers (my two favourites).
However, after you've seen them a couple times (if watching movies over again is your thing), you'll have no problems and even find yourself quoting along with the lines in the movies.
Back to it. Hopefully I can get more done on this sock than a couple rows of ribbing.
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