Lesson One: If you don't get enough sleep, you won't get better. It doesn't matter that you did 10 hours last night, you're still sick so it's not enough. Stop staying up and get your butt to bed. NOW.
Lesson Two: I, while giving myself incredibly good advice, don't tend to follow it. Shame. I'm sure I'd be much better off if I did.
The main reason for all of this is that last night-ish, given that it's just now gone Monday and I'm talking about a time between Saturday and Sunday, I was knitting away quite peaceably (see the post) and just finished turning a very snappy short-row heel, when temptation waved it's tarted-up, frilly behind in my direction and I was lost. Temptation arrived in the form of a movie (Cold Mountain) served up by The Other Half. I can only assume that this was because it was a really good movie, as ulterior motives don't exist in TOH's world (so much so that I'm betting he may have to look up the definition every so often to remind himself of what the word actually means). It really was a very good movie, great acting, good story, wonderful cinematography and directing. Quite a pleasant experience, overall, and a far cry from my usual pap. Problem was, when I got done watching, I realised it was something like 4AM... and I'd done a good two or three inches on the leg of the sock. I was really confused at how much work had been done, because I really remember clearly only coming off the heel of the sock.
You wanna know the weirdest part? There were two points where I stopped, because I thought I heard something odd. Some disturbing sound. It wasn't the movie at all. It wasn't TOH saying anything or doing anything. It sure as heck wasn't anything outside. No, it was because I'd just dropped a stitch on the sock, and caught it the instant I'd dropped it so I could fix it. I checked too, once the movie was done, no other drops or errors. Just smooth stockinette working its way up the leg. Really weird for me, though, to be that in-tune with a piece of knitting. I've only been doing this, what.... two solid years (breaks due to yarn shortage and moving and the like are not counted here)... if that, more likely less of real knitting time. But there I am, catching a mistake in zen knitting, just like a pro. Crazy stuff.
Time to get my plague-ridden butt to bed though. Sock pictures in the morning, in between cleaning and all that fun stuff.
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