It started with the sock. The conversation went like this:
me: oh i decided i didn't like your first sock on my needles anymore. so i cast on again
The Other Half: Sigh
me: it was the right length so i cast it off
TOH: I knew you would find some reason
At any rate, I was good, and instead of dragging it out I explained what "casting off" was, and he's seen the sock now and is happy. Don't know if it's the right size yet. It's not washed and blocked and it's been on my foot and that's just icky otherwise.
The next bit of miscommunication was with one of the Knitting Broads at work. I'd sent her this link when I took the in-progress shot of the sock that I posted on here so she could see it. That conversation kind of went like this:
(My recollection is hazy because I was too busy laughing)
Me: So what did you think of my blog?
Knitting Broad N: What blog?
Me: Didn't you get that link I e-mailed you the other day?
KBN: I clicked on that link you sent me. It was pretty cool.
Me: You didn't read it?
KBN: A bit. Was that where you got the pattern for the sock you're making?
Me: No... I sent it so you could see my sock.
KBN: Wait... That's yours?
Me: Yes. That's why I sent you the link. You didn't recognize it?
(We're both laughing at this point)
KBN thought it was odd that someone else was making what appeared to be the same sock that I was, in the same colour of yarn, even. The
I'm coming clean. This instant. To avoid further miscommunication (as hilarious as the occurrences may be).
My first name is Adrienne. I'm AdrienneCMC on Ravelry. I'm Margaux here because that's what the M is for in CMC. It's a middle name; one of the three my parents blessed me with. I like it a lot and the spelling throws people for a loop. Apparently this is a pattern for me (hur hur, knitting puns). So, there's the link. There's the reason. Back to our regularly scheduled lack-of-picture blogging about knitting.
One sock down. One to go.
Here's hoping I don't get Second Sock Syndrome. I think I may be okay given that as soon as I cast off the first, I giddily cast on the second. (And am prepping to wind the ball properly for transport to and from work.)
I promise to be good and not swatch the other sock yarns hiding in my stash even though the Harmony needles showed up. Incidentally I have no idea how big four inches really is, isn't or "doesn't seem to be" in this case and am filing it away for a future
Solid logic, there, no?
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