Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Self-Esteem/Ego Trip

It hurts being so awesome, sometimes.

I hope you know what I'm talking about. Those moments where you weild your particular skill with such precision and elann and dexterity that you just blow everyone off the field of combat. That moment where you pull something off that others deemed impossible. That instant where you feel absolutely in control, powerful, intelligent... like a super hero.

Then someone throws a little speck of kryptonite into the icing on your awesome cake...

You're still awesome. You still totally rock. You just did something no one else did; that changed the mind of the person you did it for.... but because you couldn't put forth that laaaaast little bit... You know you're going to hit the bitter part of the bittersweet victory.

Take tonight. Have a guy on the phone. Fix his internet issue. No one else did. Months of calls in, and a technician in his home, able to see the issue, and they didn't fix it. I remote in to the trouble system, figure out that he's using the wrong connection, get him on the right connection and rock his internet world.... but can I fix his e-mail problem? No. Is that going to be held against me? Yes.

I am so awesome. But I'm not perfect.

Thank heavens for that by the way. Being perfect would suck. It would mean less opportunities to learn, and then life would be boring. I wouldn't have anything interesting to knit, because I would know it all already.


I'll stay signed up for my lifetime supply of Not Perfect But Ready And Willing To Learn, thank you very much.

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