Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So This is What an Ice Cube on a Stove Feels Like...

Holy hell, I'm melting. Melting like there's no tomorrow. Melting like a snowman that suddenly appeared in Southern California. I am goo. I am mush. Lo, I am one with the yoghurts.

Seriously hot. I can't brain. Caught the dumb.

Did a little knitting at work. Hoping to teach one of the girls there how to rock the pointy sticks. Been training new peeps, seems to be going okay; bit of a slow start, but she'll be right.

Lordy, I'm overheating to the point of using someone else's slang.

You guys are lucky spelling and grammar are a thing with me, or this would look like an absolute mess.

I also found a movie I'd been looking for... for about 30 seconds after I remembered how much I enjoyed watching it. I'm going to go relive my first crush/idolization.

*enamoured girlie sigh of a 12 year old* Donatello....

Yeah. It was a Ninja Turtle. You wanna make something of my geekyness? I know how to work a jersey so you better watch it. I can go Canadian Hockey Fan with the best of them.

Smart, geeky guys are best. For me anyways.

*Footnote: the dang spell check in here didn't like my dairy product in the first sentence. I was shocked that one of its suggestions for a correction was "Hogwarts". Really? People can't spell Hogwarts? How blitzed out do you have to be to write yoghurts instead of Hogwarts? How mental is this spell check? Why am I asking so many rhetorical questions?


  1. My girl crush in TMNT was Casey Jones. *sigh* ♥

    I have all three movies on DVD if you ever want to borrow them! *enable enable enable*

    1. Yes, please! My usual venue for such items is producing in very poor quality, which makes me a sad panda.
